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Name A Star - United Kingdom and Ireland

Express your love with a real STAR

Get yours now!

At StarCertificate.co.uk, we only name stars that can be clearly viewed from the United Kingdom and Ireland. We can name another star or refund your entire purchase price if you are not satisfied with our services or if you dislike the star we named for you.  Every star we name is recorded at the Star Catalog and can be easily retrieved. We also ship the star certificate and other materials related to the gift. If you need the documents urgently, we can send them to you by email.

Naming a star is a great gift for almost anybody. When you name a star for a person, it shows that he or she is special enough to have his or her own star. Naming a star is a long-lived and intimate gift. You can name a star for many reasons, including celebrating the birth of a baby, celebrating Christmas, celebrating a birthday and commemorating your wedding. You can also name a star in remembrance of a loved one who passed away or to acknowledge your romantic relationship.